On this 81st Gedenktag of the deportation of the 513 men, women, and children from Weimar, Thüringen, we remember the 75 children, 18 years and younger, included in the transport. The names of the children, with links to the profiles in the geni.com database can be found at this link.
Analysis and interpretation of the information available about these children is in its initial phase: we know, for example, that almost all the children were deported with at least one parent; only two were without parents. Thirty-five (35) of the children were deported with both parents; if deported with only one parent, it was usually with the mother. Only two children were deported with their father alone.
One of the 75 children was 15-year-old Herbert Götz of Schleusingen, (b. 8 September 1927 in Schleusingen). He was deported with his parents, Theobald Götz (b. 1880) and Sara Götz, geb. Zeilberger (b. 1890).
The photo was taken about 1935 when 8-year-old Herbert was part of an outing by group of children from Themar and Schleusingen. While three of Herbert’s older siblings were able to escape Germany, Herbert, his sister, and his parents were trapped. On 09 May 1942, the four were transported from Schleusingen to Weimar and deported the following day to Belzyce Ghetto. When and where they died is unknown.
For more about Herbert and his family, see Kerstin Möhring, http://www.juden-in-schleusingen.de/fam_goetz.html