Brief/Letter 6: 10.12.1938 (54ab)

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Herrn Willi Müller
Kfar Hanoar Hadati
b.[ei] Haifa POB 106

The stamp shows Paul von Hindenburg, last Reichspräsident before Hitler (1925-1934); it is stamped with ‘Themar – Möbelstadt’: ‘Themar – Furniture Town’ 

Absender1Sender: Max Müller
Wohnort, auch Zustell- und Leitpostamt2‘ Address, also the delivery and routing post office: Themar
Straße, Hausnummer, Gebäudeteil, Stockwerk od. Postschließfachnummer3Street, h ouse number, b ui lding section, floor or post box number: Postfach 35 

Themar, 10.12.38.

Mein l.[ieber] Willi! Sofort nach Sch[Schabbes]-Ausgang will ich Dir meine gestern abend erfolgte Heimkunft nach 4 wöch.[iger] Abwesenheit mitteilen. Ich habe heute deine 3 großen ausführlichen Briefe gelesen, die mich mit eifriger Freude erfüllten, wegen ihrer Ausführlichkeit u.[nd] des Umstandes, daß es Dir so gut gefällt u.[und] Du es so gut getroffen hast. In Kürze senden wir die Briefe an Meinhold, an welchem ich jetzt mit gl.[eicher] Post eine Karte sende. Du bist zu beneiden, wegen Deiner vielen Erlebnisse u.[nd] des schönen, welches Du <…>gesehen hast. Ich u.[nd] wir alle sind <…>d, über Deine Schilderungen. <…> heute mit dies.[er] Karte vorlieb, <…> Meinholds Karte heute abend nach <…> ll. Viele herzl.[iche] Grüße Dein Papa.

Lieber Willi! Meinen Brief hast Du wohl erhalten. Auch die Uhr. Wir freuen uns sehr, daß l.[ieber] Papa wieder da ist. Heute wird Norbert [Sander, geb. 1922 in Themar] von Lothar [Frankenberg, Onkel von Norbert] geholt. Danke Dir, letzterer hat seine Papiere immer noch nicht alle beisammen zur Ausreise. Hast Du den Briefumschl.[ag] erhalten? Aufheben!


Themar, 10th of December, 1938.

My Dear Willi! Immediately following the end of Shabbat, I want to tell you of my homecoming that happened yesterday evening after four weeks of absence. Today I have read your three long, detailed letters, which made me very happy because of their detail, and since you like it so much [in Erez] and that you arrived at such a good time. Soon we will send the letters to Meinhold, to whom I will send a postcard with this very same post delivery. You are to be envied because of your many experiences and because of the beautiful <…> that you have seen. I and all of us, we all are <…> because of your descriptions <…> make do with this postcard today <…>Meinhold’s postcard this evening to <…> Many cordial greetings, Your father.

Dear Willi! So, you have received my letter. Also, the watch. We are very happy, that dear father is back.Today Norbert [Sander] will be picked up by Lothar [Frankenberg]. Thank you. [Lothar] still hasn’t fully collected the paperwork needed for his emigration. Did you receive the envelope? Keep it!

1. Max MÜLLER was released from Buchenwald on 09 December 1938.
2. Norbert Sander, was born 1922 in Themar. Norbert suffered from epilepsy and was murdered in 1941 in the Euthansie program. Clara tells Willi about this in a later letter.
3. Lothar Frankenberg was Norbert’s uncle. Lothar was arrested and imprisoned in Buchenwald. He then managed to gain entry into England in 1939, but was rounded up by the British in June 1940 when Germany invaded France. He was deported to Canada as an ‚enemy alien.“ He remained in Canada after the war and died in Montreal in 1975.

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