Stolpersteine November 27, 2019

“A square on the earth — A human being.” by Cornell Hoppe Year after year, the townspeople of Themar remember their former Jewish residents. 38 Stolpersteine have already been laid in their memory in the city. On Wednesday, another 13 were added. Themar – “Walking in the footsteps of my ancestors,” is how Garry … Read more

C. Hoppe, “Mahnung gegen Hass and Hetzerei.

Themar – “Quite a number of people came together on Monday morning to attend the renewed laying of Stolpersteine by the action artist Gunter Demnig. They have come to keep alive the memory of the former Jewish inhabitants of the town and thus to make a small contribution to coming to terms with the barbarity … Read more

July 26, 2016 at 20:45!!!

In 1983, Manfred Rosengarten from San Francisco wrote to a former classmate in Themar about his homesickness. After being expelled by the Nazis, he, a Jew from southern Thuringia, had found a new home in the USA. A lively correspondence quickly developed between residents of Themar and Manfred Rosengarten. In 2011, descendants of the Jews … Read more