Friedrich Daniel Kahn, 1894-1915

What We Know: Birth Name: Kahn First Name: Friedrich Daniel Date of Birth: 28 October 1894 Place of Birth: Themar, Thüringen Date of Death: 21 February 1915 Place of Death: unknown Age at Death: 21 years
Three of Josef and Hulda’s sons went to war in 1914 and two did not return. Leonhard and Friedrich Daniel (Fritz) were both killed in the first year of the war. Their names were inscribed on the WWII War Memorial, dedicated in 1927.

Website committed to Jewish-German soldiers of WWI.

This structure was destroyed in WWII. When writing his account, Themar, Thüringen: My Home Town, Manfred Rosengarten stated that the new school building „now incorporates a former War Memorial from WW I. There were the names of two Jewish boys on the one tablet. They were the sons of our kosher butcher, by the name of Kahn. The Nazis had those names chiseled out.“ Manfred erred, but not completely: the Nazis may have blunted the sheen on the names of Leonhard and Fritz Daniel but they were not chiselled out. After WWII, the names were restored to the memorial and are now in the WWI memorial tablets in the St. Johanniskircke/Cemetery Church.